The optimization of transition state geometries is best performed with the EF optimization algorithm. The TS keyword must be used in this case in order to tell the algorithm to look for a transition instead of a ground state. The following example uses the hydroboration reaction of ethylene with BH3 to demonstrate the most important keywords. The algorithm used for ts optimization is rather similar to the one used in Gaussian and also locates the transition state in a local search after calculation of the Hessian matrix.
AM1 TS T=128H RECALC=5 GNORM=0.1 SCFCRT=0.000001 TS opt ethylene + BH3 (AM1) C 0.000000 0 0.000000 0 0.000000 0 0 0 0 B 1.836364 1 0.000000 0 0.000000 0 1 0 0 C 1.677200 1 47.717037 1 0.000000 0 2 1 0 H 1.104000 1 120.462990 1 102.225822 1 1 3 2 H 1.104000 1 120.463005 1 -102.226204 1 1 3 2 H 1.104600 1 119.662224 1 106.660477 1 3 1 2 H 1.104600 1 119.662292 1 -106.660301 1 3 1 2 H 1.169800 1 118.564735 1 -87.511246 1 2 1 3 H 1.243700 1 65.253059 1 -179.998581 1 2 1 3 H 1.169800 1 118.563843 1 87.512947 1 2 1 3 | ![]() |
CYCLE: 21 TIME: .01 TIME LEFT: 460799.2 GRAD.: .146 HEAT: 49.08696 CYCLE: 22 TIME: .01 TIME LEFT: 460799.2 GRAD.: .179 HEAT: 49.08178 CYCLE: 23 TIME: .01 TIME LEFT: 460799.2 GRAD.: .195 HEAT: 49.07754 CYCLE: 24 TIME: .00 TIME LEFT: 460799.2 GRAD.: .329 HEAT: 49.07659 HESSIAN CALCULATED NUMERICALLY CYCLE: 25 TIME: .14 TIME LEFT: 460799.0 GRAD.: .040 HEAT: 49.07637 RMS GRADIENT = .03970 IS LESS THAN CUTOFF = .10000 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AM1 TS T=128H RECALC=5 GNORM=0.1 SCFCRT=0.000001 TS opt ethylene + BH3 (AM1) GEOMETRY OPTIMISED USING EIGENVECTOR FOLLOWING (EF). SCF FIELD WAS ACHIEVEDThe HESSIAN CALCULATED NUMERICALLY statement indicates recalculation of the Hessian after every five optimization cycles. For each cycle, the gradient norm is given together with the heat of formation of the current structure. In cycle 25 the gradient norm becomes smaller than the convergence limit of 0.1 and the optimization is therefore terminated with the statement GEOMETRY OPTIMISED USING EIGENVECTOR FOLLOWING (EF). One of the problems that can occur during transition state optimization is that the Hessian has more than one negative eigenvalue. The optimization is then terminated with the WARNING! HESSIAN DOES NOT HAVE THE REQUIRED STRUCTURE statement and a new starting structure must be found in order to continue the search. Guessing a good starting structure is therefore an important condition for successful transition state optimizations.
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