Mulliken Symbols for Irreducible Representations

(R. S. Mulliken, J. Chem. Phys., 1955, 23, 1997; 1956, 24, 1118)

Asymmetric with respect to rotation around the principal rotational axis (one dimensional representations)
Banti-symmetric with respect to rotation around the principal rotational axis (one dimensional representations)
Edegenerate (German: entartet; two dimensional representations, e.g. in systems with higher order principal axes)
subscript 1symmetric with respect to a vertical mirror plane perpendicular to the principal axis
subscript 2anti-symmetric with respect to a vertical mirror plane perpendicular to the principal axis
subscript gsymmetric with respect to a center of symmetry (German: "gerade")
subscript uanti-symmetric with respect to a center of symmetry (German: "ungerade)
prime (')symmetric with respect to a mirror plane horizontal to the principal rotational axis
double prime ('')anti-symmetric with respect to a mirror plane horizontal to the principal rotational axis

The standard convention taxes the Z-axis as the principal axis of the system and the YZ-plane as the principal plane.

last changes: 16.10.2004, HZ   
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