#P HF/STO-3G scf=tight pop=full gfinput HF/STO-3G//HF/STO-3G sp formaldehyde 0 1 C1 O2 1 r2 H3 1 r3 2 a3 H4 1 r3 2 a3 3 180.0 r2=1.21672286 r3=1.10137241 a3=122.73666566 | ![]() |
#P HF/6-31G(d) cube=orbitals scf=(tight) HF/6-31G(d) HOMO allyl cation + generation of cube-file +1 1 H,0,0.,0.,-1.5682867937 C,0,0.,0.,-0.4948409695 C,0,1.1776939788,0.,0.2112484936 C,0,-1.1776939788,0.,0.2112484936 H,0,2.1316522244,0.,-0.2859258635 H,0,1.1894473911,0.,1.2871012074 H,0,-2.1316522244,0.,-0.2859258635 H,0,-1.1894473911,0.,1.2871012074 mycubefile_HOMO.cub 11 | ![]() |
#!/bin/csh #PBS -l mem=128mb #PBS -q long setenv g03root /usr/local setenv GAUSS_SCRDIR /scratch setenv GAUSS_EXEDIR /usr/local/g03b3 setenv GAUSS_ARCHDIR /usr/local/g03b3 setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH "${GAUSS_EXEDIR}:/usr/lib" cat >$GAUSS_SCRDIR/$PBS_JOBNAME << EOF %chk=/scratch/allyl.chk %mem=6000000 #P HF/6-31G(d) scf=(tight) formcheck HF/6-31G(d) HOMO allyl cation + generation of cube-file +1 1 H,0,0.,0.,-1.5682867937 C,0,0.,0.,-0.4948409695 C,0,1.1776939788,0.,0.2112484936 C,0,-1.1776939788,0.,0.2112484936 H,0,2.1316522244,0.,-0.2859258635 H,0,1.1894473911,0.,1.2871012074 H,0,-2.1316522244,0.,-0.2859258635 H,0,-1.1894473911,0.,1.2871012074 EOF touch $PBS_O_WORKDIR/$PBS_JOBNAME.$HOST /usr/local/g03b3/g03 < $GAUSS_SCRDIR/$PBS_JOBNAME > $GAUSS_SCRDIR/$PBS_JOBNAME.log mv $GAUSS_SCRDIR/$PBS_JOBNAME.log $PBS_O_WORKDIR/$PBS_JOBNAME.log mv $GAUSS_SCRDIR/$PBS_JOBNAME.chk $PBS_O_WORKDIR/$PBS_JOBNAME.chk rm -f $GAUSS_SCRDIR/$PBS_JOBNAME mv Test.FChk $PBS_O_WORKDIR/$PBS_JOBNAME.fch $GAUSS_EXEDIR/cubegen 0 MO=11 $PBS_O_WORKDIR/$PBS_JOBNAME.fch $PBS_O_WORKDIR/$PBS_JOBNAME.cub 0 h exitWhat the additional lines after execution of Gaussian do is move the Gaussian output files from /scratch to the users working directory, move the formatted checkpoint file named "Test.FChk" to a more meaningful name (here: allyl.fch), and then call cubegen to generate the cube file for molecular orbital 11. This latter program accepts six arguments on the command line. The first argument (here: 0) defines the memory allocated to the run. Using the argument of 0 specifies automatic memory allocation. The second argument defines the type of cube plot desired in this run. The particular argument here (MO=11) defines the molecular orbital 11, other numbers indicating other orbitals. The third argument defines the name of the formatted checkpoint file, the fourth argument the name of the cube file, the fifth argument the number of points per side of the cube. Using the argument of 0 at this point again leads to automatic selection of sensible defaults. Finally, the last argument indicates, whether a header (h) is to be included in the cube file. If this is not desired, the last argument must be n.
last changes: 12.01.2005, HZ questions & comments to: zipse@cup.uni-muenchen.de