Curriculum and Time-Tables in the BSc Chemistry and Biochemistry
Study program according to the examination and study rules of March 2009
Study program according to the examination and study rules of March 2009
In the basic studies (semesters 1-4) all courses are compulsory, i.e. there are no options. At the beginning of the bachelor thesis, these must be passed (all 120 ECTS from the first 4 semesters). In the orientation studies (semesters 5-6) there are numerous options (see below).
In table below:
V=lecture, Ü=excercise, P=lab course, S=seminar; SWS=hours per week, Zula=admission requirement, GOP=Grundlagen & Orientierungsprüfung.
During the final two semesters (Orientation Program) 5 Optional Modules (WP 1- WP 5) are offered in the fields of chemistry/biochemistry and biology. Herefrom, 2 modules are required (majors), each with 15 ECTS, and two lecture courses plus one lab course within the module (except Biology - see below). The major is chosen by attending the associated lab course or lectures.
15 ECTS in total are necessary in the Required Module P 12 arbitrary of a multitude of lectures. If more lectures than necessary are attended in the major, these may also be put into the P 12 module.
Both lectures in the Required Module P 11 (Tox/R) and the bachelor thesis are obligatory for all.
WP3 is extended by Theoretical Chemistry. The exercies belonging to TC may be transfered into P12.
In WP 5 there are only these two modules possible to choose. Both lectures (module 1) are in the WiSe, the associated lab courses (module 2) are in the SoSe. Both lectures are examined together in one module examination (written examination).
There are no longer any other courses to attend. Please contact Dr. Michael Bögle: beforehand (be aware of bulletins and registration deadlines in LSF!). Sometimes the course places in biology are limited. All registrations in biology should be carried out in LSF. Instead of the Literature Seminar in BC you may also choose single biology lectures with 3 ECTS.
* The registration for the exercises and the lab courses have to be carried out in LSF at the beginning of the semester.
In addition to all lectures in WP 1 to WP 5:
* Bothe lectures (1 und 2) of the module in Pharmacy have to be attended together, because there is an overall examination at the end of the WiSe (this can be the 5th or 7th semester!). If there are questions, please contact the Study program coordinator in pharmacy.
** The courses in Physics and Compuer Science cannot be attended individually, i.g. it is only possible to attend bothe, the lecture AND the exercise! Be aware of the course catalogoue! If you choose "Introduction to Informatics: Programming...", you can no longer choose it in the Master! If there are questions, please contact the Student Office.
The Bachelor-Thesis can be started not before all credits of the semester 1-4 are accumulated (120 ECTS) (see Zula), and the lab course of the major was attended in which the Bachelor-Thesis will be done.
Further information concering the bachelor thesis, please follow this link.
The time tables may change until the end of the first lecture week!