JMol Tutorial


"select all; set display selected;"
"select protein; set display selected;"
"select backbone; set display selected;"
"select protein not backbone; set display selected;"
"select DNA or RNA; set display selected;"
"select DNA or RNA not Backbone; set display selected;"
"select DNA or RNA not Backbone; set display selected;"
"select hetero and not water; set display selected;"
"select water; set display selected;"
"select (atomno>50 and atomno<100); set display selected;"
"select nitrogen; set display selected;" (oder auch: select elementno=15; select *.N?;)
"select sulfur; set display selected;"
"select none"

"wireframe off; spacefill on;"
"spacefill off; wireframe 100;"
"wireframe 40; spacefill 120;"
"spacefill off; wireframe 20;"
"trace on;"
"ribbon on;"
"cartoon on;"
"spacefill off; wireframe off; ribbon off; cartoon off; hbonds off; ssbonds off"
"color cpk"
"color white; select tyr,phe,trp; color orange; select leu,ile,val,cys,met,pro,ala; color yellow; select gly,ser,thr,asn,gln; color green; select asp,glu; color red; select lys,arg, his; color cyan;"
"color white; select T,U; color red; select A; color orange; select C; color blue; select G; color green;"
"color chain"
"color group"
"color structure;
"color white"
"set hbonds backbone, color hbonds white; hbonds on"
"color hbonds white; hbonds on;"
"ssbonds backbone; ssbonds 100; color ssbonds yellow;"
"ssbonds sidechain; ssbonds 100; color ssbonds yellow;"