Prof. Dr. Heinz Langhals

Department Chemie

University of Munich

Curriculum vitae

27.11.1948 Born in Altena/Westf., Germany.
1967 - 1971 Study of chemistry at the University of Münster; Germany.
14.7.1969 "Vordiplom" (bachelor) in chemistry at the University of Münster.
  Bayer merit scholarship.
11.10.1971 Diploma in organic chemistry at the University of Münster (C. Rüchardt).
18.7.1974 PhD in organic chemistry at the University of Freiburg i.Br./Germany (C. Rüchardt).
1975 Post doctorate at Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris (Marc Julia).
1976 - March 1977 Post doctorate at the University of Zürich/Switzerland (Hanns Fischer).
  Liebig scholarship.
1977 -17.12.1981 "Habilitation" at the University of Freiburg i.Br. in organic chemistry.
13.12.1983 Werner-von-Siemens medal for Werner-von-Siemens-Fellows.
1.10.1984 Professor of organic and macromolecular chemistry at the University of Munich/Germany (LMU).
September 2002
June 2004
Research at Bingmayong-Museum in Lintong/China; subject: conservation of
the polychromy of the first Chinese emperor's terracotta army.
July 2007 Guest professor at ENS de Cachan/Paris (France).
Since July 2013 Guest professor at JKU University in Linz (Austria).
31.3.2014 Termination of obligations at LMU because of pension age.
1.4.2014 Teaching and Research Fellow at JKU.
1.11.2014-31.3.2015 Johann Gottfried Herder scholarship (DAAD) for senior scientists at JKU.
9.4.2015 Award for industrial innovation in energy and environment
"INDUSTRIEPREIS 2015 Energie & Umwelt".
1.11.2015-31.3.2016 Johann Gottfried Herder scholarship (DAAD) for senior scientists at JKU.
28.11.2017 Nominated for the award in the efficiency of resources
"Deutscher Rohstoffeffizienz-Preis 2017".
Since April 2014 Free R&D and teaching at the Universities LMU and JKU.

Main fields of interest:

Organic chemistry; dye chemistry (functional dyes): Preparation and investigation of highly stable fluorescent dyes; reaction mechanisms: Rearrangements; solvent effects: Polar properties of solvent mixtures; analytics: Water determination, fluorescent marker, fluorescent immunoassays; polymer chemistry: Polymeric natural products, conservation of archaeological objects d'art; recycling.


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