Faculty for Chemistry and Pharmacy

Our scientists research chemical phenomena, design technologies for a more sustainable world and develop medicines to combat serious diseases. They enjoy a worldwide reputation and educate hundreds of students every year. At our faculty, you learn how to make a difference.


News and Events

News of the Faculty


Proton-coupled electron transfer: Deciphered with high pressure

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Research transfer: LMU spin-off receives multi-million euro EU grant

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Click chemistry: “Living cells are our test tubes”

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Our Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmacy is one of the strongest in research in Germany. Numerous prestigious awards, from Nobel Prizes to highly endowed grants from the European Research Council, attest to the outstanding achievements of our scientists. Their expertise sets standards.

Doctoral Studies and Postdoctoral Research (Habilitation)

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Studying Chemistry, Biochemistry or Pharmacy

Find out more about exciting and interesting courses, the fascination of modern chemical and pharmaceutical research and career prospects.

Consulting and contact points for study programs

Whether you are a prospective student, a first semester student, a student in the examination phase or a graduate: We can help you with your questions about studying or starting your career.

Students on a table in the canteen

International study

Whether as an incoming or outgoing student: broaden your horizons with our global university network.

Student Mobility

Collaborative projects

Nobel prices


LMU Munich: A great place to study

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21 Mar 2024